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Tracey Moffatt - (Fundación la Caixa)

Tracey Moffatt - (Fundación la Caixa)

A director of photo-narratives, Tracey Moffatt is highly regarded for her formal and stylistic experimentation in film, photography and video. Her photographs often reference the history of art and photography, as well as her own childhood memories and fantasies, exploring issues of race, gender, sexuality and identity. This publication was released on the occasion of the 1999 exhibition Tracey Moffatt, at the Centro Cultural de la Fundació "la Caixa," Barcelona (traveled to the Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Galicia and the Centre National de la Photographie, Paris).


    Tracey Moffatt


    La Fundació "la Caixa," in association with the Centre National de la Photographie, Paris


    1st Edition, 1999

  • PAGES:

    112. p


    29.8 x 24.1 cm


    Great; in brand new condition.

  • COVER:


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